“Intellectual Revival” award laureatte, holder of the Belarus Union of Theatre Workers prize “Crystal Paulinka”
Works at the theatre since 1969.
Major parts:
Anyutka (“The Power of Darkness” by L.Tolstoy), Daughter (“Downtrodden Apostle” by A. Makayonak), Nelly (“The Humble and the Insulted” by F.Dostoevsky), Marharyta (“Henry VI” by W.Shakespeare), Franka (“Boor” by E.Azheshka), Bobby Mitchel (“This Passionate Man in Love” by N.Saimon), Lyuba (“Moscow Choir” by L.Petrusheuskaya), Doris (“Lovers from California” by B.Slade), Emiliya (“Macropulos Recipe” by K.Chapek), Zhana (“Zhana” by Zh.Anuj), Madamme (“Marlen, Marlen…” by D.Minchonak), Hanna (“Under the Sun” by V.Maslyuk), Actress (“The Round Dance of Love” by A.Shnitsler), Katsyaryna Ivanauna (“Katsyaryna Ivanauna” by L.Andreeu), Charlotte (“The Garden of Cherry Trees” by A.Chekhov), Laura (“Father” by A.Strindberg), Martsina (“Doctor against One’s Will” by J.B.Malyer), Vasa (“Vasa” by M.Horky).