Uladzimir SIVITSKY
Works at the theatre since 2003.
Major parts:
the Passer-By («The Garden of Cherry Trees» by A.Chekhov), Muller («The Victory Square» by A.Papova), Hal’yash-Medavar (Mead Maker) («The Boat of Despair» by Ul.Karatkievich), Der («The Aces» by U.Widmer), Tsyfirkin («The Minor» by D.Fanvisin), Master of the House («New Year Candies» by V.Tkachou), Yakau («The Seagull» by A.Chekhov), Voytsek («Remembrance Prayer» by R.Horyn), Marharytau («Late Love» by A.Astrousky), Huryj («Vasa» by M.Gorky), Lirnik (the Lyre Player) («Krakow Student» by H.Marchuk), Hrybousky («The Frivolous» by U.Halubok), Dzyasyatsky («Euphrasinnya's Cross» by I.Maslyanitsyna), Enryka Fermi («Hello, Albert!» by Yu.Sokhar), Krutsitsky’s Servant («Men of Wisdom…» by A.Astrousky).